
The rules of Platespotting is easy. There are only two basic rules to remember:

§1. You can under no circumstances jeopardize traffic safety playing the game!

§2. You shall count number plates as you count money. Cut the crap and keep it clean in respect to any opponents, the game or at least yourself!

Detailed rules

The following paragraphs goes a bit deeper in the details of §2:

§2.1. No mixing digits!
You have to spot the exact number, not a mix of the digits. Are you looking for 142 you are looking for 142 and can’t credit yourself for seeing 412 or 214.

§2.2. No memory exist!
Are you looking for number 5 you can’t hold the previously seen number 6 “in memory” until you see number 5.

§2.3. No multiple series!
You can’t have two series going on and hope to join them later. For example start looking for number 1 and 10 at the same time in two different series and then join them when the first series hit 9.

§2.4. No mind games!
You have to be 100% sure of a spotting. If you have been looking for number 838 for 6 months your brain will easily convert 388, 883 or 833 on a meeting car in 70 mph to your desired number.

Remember that if you turn around to get a second look you are violating §1 above!!

§2.5. No virtual spotting!
Only spottings IRL (In Real Life) is accepted. You can’t use Google to find your next number and spottings on TV and pictures are also banished from the game.